Our team utilizes various modalities of healing to deliver transformational solutions for you:





Our Mission

To empower you to become your own healer and most vibrant healthy self.

What is the true definition of health?

The ability to achieve a balance of the above four core modalities and create simple strategies to create harmony within the mind, body and spirit. We all desire a life filled with energy, vitality and well-being with positive habits to maintain alignment and longevity.

As human beings, the development of these practices is challenging. Achieving success is much greater when utilizing the guidance of our New World Practitioners:

  • Certified by two institutions: (1) The International Training Institute of Health and (2) The Health Coach Institute
  • Custom designed services that teach you how to achieve and maintain success

Are you ready to take action?

Together, let’s build a new foundation for your life. The first step is trusting and believing it is possible. When given the right tools, systems, steps, and strategies to reach our goals, it is only then that confidence can soar! You deserve to experience a life filled with love, peace and joy and so much more.

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Our Services

My Treatment Philosophy

*** As a Whole Life Coach, I look at the condition of my client, not the condition they have. Together we review the physical, nutritional and emotional components to creating their “Perfect Day”. Being empowered through self-loving steps, self-care and unconditional love by embracing that true authentic self and healer from within!

*** As a Wolfe Non-Surgical Practitioner, we will work together to lovingly untie those knots from within that are causing pain, stiffness, limited range of motion or mobility, digestive issues and low energy. Scar tissue, crystallization and calcifications caused from injuries, surgery, emotions, poor diet, constipation and inflammation to be eliminated by bringing life back to the area for healing to begin.

Services available by phone, in person or ZOOM.

*** Our services are backed by a money back guarantee!

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