Advanced Wolfe Non-Surgical Treatment:


Wolfe Non-Surgical is NOT massage and is unlike any and all other deep tissue therapies. If you are looking for instant, long-lasting results than be prepared to be amazed!

The most powerful bodywork ever developed based on the knowledge, experience and precise techniques developed by Dr. Darrell Wolfe over the last 40 years. This therapy is the most effective in the elimination of internal scar tissue, crystallization and calcification, which are the major cause of premature aging, muscle, joint and nerve pain, inflammation and physical limitations.

The most important key to turning any health ailment or condition around is recognizing and eliminating the internal scar tissue. No other treatment delivers long lasting results when it comes to eliminating pain and tissue restoration. This technique will open up and release fibroids, internal scar tissue, calcification, crystallization and pain related to muscles and nerves by penetrating the deeper tissue and muscles to eliminate pain, scar tissue and restoration.

Wolfe Non-Surgical Benefits:

  • Improved joint function and health
  • Restore the nervous system
  • Increases circulation
  • Lengthen, strengthen, detoxify and tone fibrous muscles
  • Improve the flow of hormones
  • Improve skin conditions and disorders
  • Relieves congestion and inflammation
  • Stimulates blood supply to each and every cell
  • Eliminate pain and stiffness
  • Restore organ function and balance
  • Improve digestion system
  • Relieve congested and improves circulation of lymphatic system
  • Help to effectively remove toxins from muscles and cells
  • Increases range of motion
  • Helps heal damaged ligaments, tendons and muscles
  • Improves joint function and health


  • Abdominal Lift
  • Arthritis & Osteoarthritis
  • Breast Lift - Restoration
  • Carpel Tunnel
  • Headaches
  • Face Lift
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Hearing Loss
  • Heart Release
  • Hip, Joint, Knee, Neck sprains & strains
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Pain/Numbness & Tingling
  • Pelvic Clearance
  • Post Surgery Scar Tissue
  • Scoliosis
  • Sinuses
  • Slipped, Bulging or Compressed Disc
  • Spinal Restoration
  • Sports Injuries
  • Surgery Prevention
  • Tennis Elbow
  • TMJ
  • Whiplash & much more!

The most important key to bodywork is recognizing and eliminating internal scar tissue. Interesting how the medical system does not recognize internal scar tissue until they call it a fibroid or tumor and the majority of natural health bodywork therapies are only treating symptoms