Custom Lifestyle Consultation $150


“Create a Perfect Day Lifestyle for a Happy Life”

Health has been made to look and feel complicated. The medical field manages symptoms, with band aid therapy and is not teaching patients how to heal. How would it feel to become your own practitioner? Wouldn’t it feel amazing to have a custom program created for you with the proper support and strategies to reclaim your health so you can live each day to the fullest? The key ingredient to regain and maintain vibrant health is simple, yet powerful step by step protocols from the moment you wake until going to sleep each night.

Includes: ONGOING PHONE SUPPORT AND LIFESTYLE MANUAL because your success is our success and as you grow, we will continually grow your program with you.

*Personal action with ongoing support is a proven formula to your success

  • Design a “Lifestyle Plan” to avoid health issues and disease
  • Go through health history & daily routine to create a plan of action
  • Determine your vision to create life changing goals
  • Create a personalized nutritional, detox and movement menu
  • Delicious simple recipes
  • Create a pain free body
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Balanced hormones
  • Abundant energy
  • Better mental health, clarity & focus
  • Healthy glowing skin
  • Additional resources for self-development
  • Self-awareness and self-respect
  • Strategies to create life changing goals
  • The Power to Self-Heal for extraordinary results!


What you think matters and the invisible creates the physical

Our belief systems will either keep us on track or distract us from our goals, desires and ultimately becoming our true selves. Most of what we think about is not authentic thought but unconscious downloads, often creating pain and suffering. When emotions are not digested, assimilated and eliminated properly, they can become stored in the damaged tissue or weaker joints of the body.

Every thought, feeling and emotion experienced is shaped by your belief system and reality map. Our life is controlled by the decisions we make, what we believe, how we feel and what we do. We will be teaching a new way of caring for yourself and those around you in order to heal. If you want to create change, then you must be that change.

  • Harness your emotions and unleash the power of your mind
  • Erase and replace dysfunctional belief systems
  • Learn strategies to stay happy when things go wrong
  • Healing your relationships
  • Process through emotions by changing the way you think
  • Transforming thoughts
  • Manifest desires and make your dreams a reality

The Four Pillars to The Perfect Day Lifestyle:

  • Whole Plant Based Diet
  • High Frequency Nutraceuticals
  • Exercise & Advanced Energy Medicine
  • Emotional Balance