About Sara

Overall, I felt healthy until it was time to lose the extra post-baby weight. With many failed attempts and roller coaster dieting, I was confused and hopeless. I had no prior issues maintaining my weight so assumed it was hormone related. Years later, I realized that my stress and our “Standard American Diet” played a key role in the weight issue, by creating inflammation, which led to several health conditions.

In 2010, I was struggling to get through the day with chronic pain, sleep disorder, anxiety and depression. Desperate to find answers, I received the diagnosis of gastritis and fibromyalgia. The medical system could offer medications and I wanted a healing plan. I felt there was a better way and began researching natural medicine. I was self-taught on how to reverse my issues to heal myself by decreasing inflammation and bringing my body into alignment. Improvements happened within days for sleep, energy, gut issues and more. That was when I started to believe there was hope in trusting myself and shifted my thoughts. Now, years later I am FREE of pain and all symptoms. By implementing positive lifestyle changes, proper nutrition and giving my body what it needs, I have achieved balance of all four transformational modalities. I dropped the stubborn 15 pounds and kept it off with little effort! I feel amazing, younger and without a diet but a vibrant lifestyle plan. Through the success of my healing, it has led to a passion in helping others do the same.

I have completed my training as a New World Practitioner and Certified as a Wolfe Non-Surgical Practitioner, Whole Life Coach, Certified Health and Lifestyle Coach by the International Training Institute of Health(2022) and Health Coach Institute (2016)